Gary Findley: The Best Age to Run a Business | Global Franchise
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Gary Findley: The Best Age to Run a Business


Gary Findley: The Best Age to Run a Business

From college graduate to business owner or retiree to second act, I’ve been a witness to franchisees throughout my career…

From college graduate to business owner or retiree to second act, I’ve been a witness to franchisees throughout my career who prove: the best age to be the boss is different for everyone.

Goals in the workforce are shifting. No longer is the traditional path in business limited to securing a stable job after graduation and sticking it out, trying to climb the ladder in hopes to one day have a corner office. Opportunities to be more than a cog in the wheel are presenting themselves to people of all ages, and franchising leads the charge in allowing those who want to be more than an employee to take control of their future. Where that fits on the resume is up to you.

What’s my advice? Follow your gut, not the crowd. The fact is, you have a better chance at success if you follow your instincts. There’s no rule that says you have to attend college before entering the workforce. An academic degree isn’t a guaranteed pre-requisite for business success. On the other hand, there are those who find going to college invaluable to prepare for the road ahead. Different things work for different people, and sometimes you have to trust your gut to lead you down the right path.

Whether you’re a millennial, military veteran or corporate evacuee, franchising can be the perfect fit for you. Today, many college graduates aren’t looking for a job. Instead, they want to run a business. These millennial franchisees can represent the kind of leaders who are ready to take charge and live large doing all kinds of work that reap incredible rewards. Military veterans have found great success in franchising as well. After spending time in the military, they know how to follow a system, lead a team and complete a mission. Franchising can even be the perfect fit for a mom who wants to leave her big corporate office for a successful small business.

I’ve seen firsthand that business success doesn’t discriminate by age, sex or experience. If you’re willing to roll your sleeves up and get to work, you’ll find that a franchise business could be a great avenue for success.

Gary Findley, the self-proclaimed “Redneck CEO”, oversees one of the fastest-growing multi-brand franchise chains –Restoration 1 and bluefrog Plumbing + Drain. Both headquartered in Waco, Texas, Restoration 1 is an award-winning brand with more than 200 locations, while bluefrog, acquired in 2017, serves as the perfect complement to Restoration 1.

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