The conscious consumer: three ways franchisors can navigate a digital landscape | Global Franchise
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The conscious consumer: three ways franchisors can navigate a digital landscape


The conscious consumer: three ways franchisors can navigate a digital landscape

The digital world that consumers spend their time in doesn’t need to be an intimidating place. Put your franchise’s best foot forward and reap the rewards

The digital world that consumers spend their time in doesn’t need to be an intimidating place. Put your franchise’s best foot forward and reap the rewards

One standout of the Green Home Solutions business model is how ‘doing good’ in our local communities is also ‘doing good’ for the business. In helping those with allergies and/or sensitivity to cleaning supplies while improving the indoor air, Green Home Solutions is creating healthier lifestyles for a number of people.

During a year where health is at the forefront of everyone’s minds and a new high priority, the consumer base is growing and continues to grow which has resulted in a surge in the franchising program.

Not only do people want cleaner homes, office spaces and schools – they are willing to pay more money to obtain that for themselves, their families, and coworkers. Consumers have also become more sustainably conscious and shifted toward purchasing plant-based products within the last year.

Although Green Home Solutions is a unique business and leading the booming indoor air industry, the brand has recognized that this increased demand is going to result in a greater need to meet the expectations and wants of the consumer.

This proves an important point: that the business strategies of any company, especially franchises without any exceptions of brand category, should remain fluid and open to adjustments. Green Home Solutions remains flexible in a variety of our efforts and has used these three tactics as guideposts in navigating the rise of the conscious consumer.

Monitor your company’s online reviews

Reviews have been a standard go to when looking for a new service, restaurant, gym – you name it. Now more than ever, consumers are heavily relying on online reviews to gain information that becomes an essential component in their purchase decisions.

“Online shopping has been a phenomenon for years but now it is easier and more convenient than it ever has been”

The power of a positive or negative review can go a long way and is extremely influential. For example, a positive review makes your brand look more trustworthy in the eyes of the consumer and can build on your search engine optimization which would ultimately lead to greater exposure.

The trust factor is increasingly valuable, especially to a franchise such as Green Home Solutions which is considered a specialist in a number of services. Businesses should look at their customers as potential brand ambassadors and advocates who may share their experience with the digital world.

There are also more places to read reviews such as Google, Yelp and Facebook, all which have their own benefits. With more online outlets comes the potential for more reviews.

Utilize all available resources

We all had to get used to and comfortable with a “new norm” this past year, and that rings even more true for businesses. There are a number of marketing channels for franchisees and franchisors to use to reach their target customer base.

It takes more than having a strong Facebook presence to reach new and existing customers, especially in such a congested online space. The digital world is filled to the brim with news and information, and you need to make yourself standout and become visible to the greatest number of people you can.

A large part of that is reaching customer’s eyes at the right time, for them. A consumer could be in the initial part of their search for a new product or service or actively looking to make a purchase that day – either way you have to be ready for whenever your brand does reach them.

Additionally, a company needs to ensure its marketing spend is highly targeted, tracked and evaluated. Every dollar counts and needs to be spent in the most efficient way for your company. If you see a particular campaign or effort is not performing well, ask yourself how it can be improved or if that money would be better allocated somewhere else.

Step up your social media game

Social media has continued to rapidly evolve since its inception and will only continue to do so. Online shopping has been a phenomenon for years but now it is easier and more convenient than it ever has been, as consumers can make purchases through various platforms such as Facebook or Instagram.

“The power of a positive or negative review can go a long way and is extremely influential”

Consumers already spend a good portion of the day browsing their favorite social media channels, and now they can make purchases without ever leaving the platform.

Not only is social media providing an efficient and accessible way for consumers to get all the products and services they need, it also serves as a way for a brand to connect with its target audience. However, the benefits don’t stop here. To name a few others, you can also establish your company as an industry leader, increase web traffic, grow brand awareness and stay on top of what your competitors are doing.

There is also value in the type, quality, and quantity of the content you post. The more you share quality content, the better chance your brand has at reaching a consumer. Conversely, seeing a brand more often gives the consumer more opportunities to interact and also builds your credibility in their eyes.

Depending on the industry your business is in, there are a number of different strategies and tools that can help pave the way for success. However, monitoring online reviews, carefully utilizing all resources, and a strategic social media plan are three tactics that can translate into all arenas.

The author

Russ Weldon is the founder and chief culture officer of Green Home Solutions, the first franchise to exclusively specialize in indoor air quality.

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