GF Podcast: Shannon Hudson of 9Round Fitness | Global Franchise
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GF Podcast: Shannon Hudson of 9Round Fitness


GF Podcast: Shannon Hudson of 9Round Fitness

Here’s what it takes to create a global fitness phenomenon from the founder and CEO of the highly successful 30-minute, kickboxing, circuit training concept brand

Here’s what it takes to create a global fitness phenomenon from CEO of the highly successful 30-minute, kickboxing, circuit training concept brand

It took an ineffable amount of determination, self-belief, and conviction for Shannon ‘The Cannon’ Hudson to become a world kickboxing champion. Those characteristics inevitably served him well when, during the height of the 2008 recession, Hudson and his wife, Heather, opened a 9Round gym with no budget and a marketing campaign that comprised of a few flyers being handed out in the neighborhood.

Fast-forward to 2012, and their 30-minute, kickboxing, circuit training concept had taken America by storm, with 9Round growing to 100 locations. There are now 750 9Round clubs operating throughout 45 states and 19 countries, with over 500 more in various stages of development.

In this episode of the Global Franchise Podcast, we chat with Shannon about formulating and rolling out the 9Round brand, talk about growing it to become a globe-spanning enterprise, discuss the franchise’s latest openings in Barcelona and Saudi Arabia and much more.

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Listen to our chat with Shannon on the Global Franchise Podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts

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