Albert Kong | Global Franchise
Global Franchise
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Albert Kong

A key figure in the Asian franchise industry, Albert Kong is CEO/Managing Director of Asiawide Franchise Consultants Pte Ltd, Asiawide Business Consultants Pte Ltd and Asiawide Trends Pte Ltd. Since Asiawide’s inception in 1989, Albert Kong’s consultants have assisted over 680 companies to successfully develop in Far Eastern markets. Certified CFE, CMC and SPMC, Kong has been invited to speak at franchise gatherings worldwide. His business has been sub-franchised to Thailand, Malaysia, Taiwan, China and Hong Kong. In 1994 he devised and launched Asia Franchise & Business Opportunities magazine. Since 1994, Kong as been an executive committee member of the Franchising & Licensing Association. He has been the recipient of a host of awards, including those awarded by franchise associations in China and Taiwan and the Asean Retail Chain and Franchise Association. In March 2017, Albert Kong the ‘Outstanding Contribution to Franchising’ award from the China Chain Store & Franchising Association. He lives in Ames, Iowa.


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